Can I clear IAS exam without attending classroom coaching?
Yes. You can, particularly if you are good at self-study. We are not against classroom coaching. There are good institutes and teachers who help aspirants save a lot of time and effort. But not all coaching institutes provide quality education, so if you wish to join one, do that after proper research. It should also be noted that with the advent of technology, guidance and study materials can be sought online. Our website (www.afeias.com) and mobile app (AFEIAS) provides free guidance and study materials to several aspirants who can’t afford classroom coaching. Book by Dr. Vijay Agrawal- ‘How to become an IAS‘ is a must read for all Civil Services aspirants. Also watch our video- ‘Is Coaching necessary for UPSC IAS’ to get an overall idea. Link- https://youtu.be/VqyXL3Ih1ec