21-10-2016 (Important News Clippings)
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Power sector overdue for a dose of reforms
Reportedly, distribution companies in Uttar Pradesh are also set to float a bond issue to meet ‘operational requirements’. State power utilities are so broke that they are unable to raise working capital funds on their own. Gross, open-ended subsidies and giveaways have, for years, wrought havoc in their finances. Reports suggest that of the 16 states that are involved in the Centre’s power distribution utility revival scheme — Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) — at least eight have been able to lower the gap between their average cost of electricity supply and their respective realisations. But it is entirely possible that the utilities concerned are actually running up higher losses due to increased offtake. We need transparency on utility bottomlines. The data must be published regularly.Short of superior political will, the powers that be would continue to provide patronage for open theft and diversion of electricity. And politically mandated tariffs and reckless giveaways lead to poor quality of power, which, in turn, stultifies growth and development. The way forward is to purposefully reform power distribution nationally. There is certainly a case for subventions, but these need to be budgeted and well targeted. To begin with, the utilities need to be mandated to announce quarterly results and follow-through action.
Date: 21-10-16
The need of the hour is to invest massively in India’s cyber security
The Bangladesh Central Bank experienced theft in which the thieves obtained email passwords of key personnel to begin their chain of fraud. The old saw about a chain being as strong as its weakest link holds true for the online world as well. Every company will have to invest in acquiring the hardware, software, intelligence, training of staff to adhere to strict protocol and customer education to secure not just customer data but their very existence. Contracts with all kinds of vendors would need to be rewritten to include penalty clauses to cover systems compromise because of what they supply. Insurance and reinsurance would need to factor in the costs of expensive data breaches or learn to limit their exposure explicitly.The entire area of security in the connected world calls for technological mastery by agencies amenable to national control. This calls for determined leadership in the government, apart from dedicated and ample funding.
Will use of biometric data read off fingers or eyes make for greater safety at ATMs and point-of-sale terminals or will malware just capture these images and replicate them as well? Are our telecom networks vulnerable to quiet eavesdropping? Can we throw this open as a challenge to our IITs or anyone else who wants to come up with credible answers? We have the duty to keep our powder dry, even if you trust the power and integrity of thirdparty security firms.
तरक्की के खिलाफ है तीन तलाक पद्धति

तीन तलाक पर पाबंदी जरूरी
तीन तलाक को लेकर धर्म की आड़ में हो रही राजनीति की भी चर्चा आवश्यक है। हमारे देश में कुछ पुरुष-प्रधान एवं कट्टर विचारवाले समूह-संगठन अपने आपको मुसलमानों का रहनुमा होने का दावा कर रहे हैं, जबकि कुरान में अल्लाह और उनके बंदों के बीच किसी भी बिचौलिये का जिक्र तक नहीं है। यही नहीं कुरान में ऐसी अनेक आयतें हैं जहां अल्लाह औरत और मर्द, दोनों को एक साथ संबोधित करके अपना पैगाम देते हैं। आखिर ऐसे में आज की असल जिंदगी में मर्द औरत पर कैसे हावी हो गया? क्यों औरतों को दोयम दर्जा दे दिया गया है? यह सवाल उनसे हैं जो खुद को मुस्लिम महिलाओं के हितों के ठेकेदार की तरह पेश कर रहे हैं? अपने आपको मजहबी रहनुमा कहने वाले पितृसत्तात्मक गुटों ने मुस्लिम समाज पर अपनी पुरुष प्रधान एवं रूढ़िवादी समझ थोप रखी है। हैरत है कि तीन तलाक के कुरान के विपरीत होने के बावजूद वे उसे बरकरार रखने के लिए एड़ी-चोटी का जोर लगा रहे हैं। ये वही गुट हैं जिन्होंने मुस्लिम पारिवारिक कानूनों में सुधार का हमेशा विरोध किया है और मुस्लिम स्त्रियों को अपने कुरान सम्मत अधिकारों से वंचित रखा है। इसी कानूनी सुधार के अभाव में मुस्लिम समाज में तीन तलाक, निकाह हलाला और बहुपत्नी जैसी कुरान विरोधी बर्बरतापूर्ण प्रथाएं चल रहीं हैं। आम मुसलमान यह बात बखूबी समझता है कि ये गुट अपनी सत्ता और अपने वर्चस्व के लिए काम कर रहे हैं, न कि कुरान के संदेश के लिए।
मुस्लिम समुदाय हमारे देश का सबसे बड़ा अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय है। हमारा देश एक लोकतांत्रिक देश है। न्याय, समानता और धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता-ये सब संवैधानिक मूल्य हैं। इसी तरह जेंडर जस्टिस भी हमारे संविधान का मूल उसूल है। पवित्र कुरान में भी जेंडर जस्टिस एक अहम उसूल है। धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता का जितना संवैधानिक हक पुरुषों को है उतना ही स्त्री को भी। इस अधिकार को तोड़-मरोड़ कर उसका इस्तेमाल स्त्री दमन के लिए नहीं हो सकता। यह वाहियात दलील है कि हम अपनी औरतों के साथ क्या करें, यह हमारा अंदरूनी मामला है। सभी नागरिकों और सभी मुसलमानों को अन्य व्यक्ति के अधिकारों की फिक्र भी होनी चाहिए और उनका सम्मान भी करना चाहिए। आज हर देशवासी की तरह आम मुसलमान भी शिक्षा, रोजगार, तरक्की एवं खुशहाली चाहता है। मुस्लिम लड़कियां पढ़ना और आगे बढ़ना चाहती हैं। मुस्लिम महिलाएं भी सिर उठाकर अपने घर और समाज में जीना चाहती हैं। वे अपने कुरान सम्मत एवं संविधान सम्मत, दोनों ही अधिकार चाहती हैं। हमारे देश में अन्य अभी धार्मिक समुदायों की तरह मुस्लिम पारिवारिक कानून भी बनाया जाना चाहिए। हिंदू मैरिज एक्ट, हिंदू सक्सेशन एक्ट और क्रिश्चियन मैरिज-डाइवोर्स एक्ट, जिसमें 2010 तक सुधार हुआ है, के जरिये इन समुदायों की स्त्रियों को बहुत हद तक सामान अधिकार मिल गए हैं। अपनी अन्य बहनों की तर्ज पर मुस्लिम महिलाएं भी अपना अधिकार मांग रही है तो आपत्ति क्यों?
[ लेखिका जकिया सोमन, भारतीय मुस्लिम महिला आंदोलन की संस्थापक सदस्य और तीन तलाक केस में सुप्रीम कोर्ट में याचिकाकर्ता हैं ]
Dirty picture
Karan Johar’s video exposes the weakness of government and the cave-in of Bollywood.
A video over the upcoming film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has been released — but it is far from entertaining. It features director-producer Karan Johar, taut with tension, attempting to explain casting Pakistani star Fawad Khan, then pleading for the film to be released, even as the MNS threatens violence against theatres screening the film. In the video, Johar states how his “country comes first”, how he “salutes the Indian army” and how he’s always expressed “patriotism” through his work. Johar “beseeches” observers to know that his film involves the “blood, sweat and tears” of over 300 Indians and was shot during happier India-Pakistan times. Going forward, he says, he will certainly not engage talent from “the neighbouring country, given the circumstance”.
Karan Johar’s video is a sobering moment for India. Recent years have seen growing attempts by non-state actors — political groups, caste organisations, religious bodies — to browbeat filmmakers into shaping or breaking their creative works. In 2008, director Ashutosh Gowariker faced protests over his movie Jodhaa-Akbar, by groups in Rajasthan angry that the film showed a Hindu princess marrying a Mughal ruler. In 2013, Kamal Haasan was hounded over his film Vishwaroopam, the filmmaker so appalled by the bullying — and losses — he faced, he threatened to leave India. The same year, Sanjay Leela Bhansali faced protests over his movie’s title, which certain religious groups found offensive, forcing a mouthily renamed Goliyon ki Raasleela Ram-Leela instead.
But amidst both predictable and arbitrary demands, the consistent feature in these bullying scenes is the absence of the state, or its weak-kneed response. Even as filmmakers face groups threatening to vandalise property and hurt people if their demands aren’t met, the state mostly remains conspicuous by its silence. This silence — from Devendra Fadnavis’s government — is deafening now. In a diverse society like India, there will always be underemployed groups rushing in to attack creative expression. This is exactly where the state must firmly step in — and it is vital that the state of Maharashtra, which has seen an inglorious history of recent cave-ins, from dropping Rohinton Mistry’s novel from the syllabus in Mumbai University to letting strife over rationalists like Narendra Dabholkar grow under its watch until the latter’s murder, now speaks unambiguously for freedom. The more the state recedes — or lends tacit approval to goons — the less good governance it can claim. At the same time, powerful voices like Karan Johar’s mustn’t quiver either. His video bows before the same bullies filmmakers must stand upto. How a filmmaker works is creative, free choice, which must be defended consistently. Otherwise, no matter how many blockbusters Bollywood makes, it cannot have a happy ending.
A new censorship
The extralegal pressure successfully brought to bear on Bollywood to rid itself of all Pakistani presence is nothing but a triumph of mobocracy.
In what has been described by many as a hostage video of sorts, film-maker Karan Johar on Tuesday pleaded for his film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil to be released on October 28 without violence or disruption. The assertion of his patriotism — that he puts his country before everything else, that he respects the Indian Army and the sentiments of the time — may have made his detractors gleeful but it was disappointing to see a powerful and influential Bollywood personality brought down to his knees by political bullies and coerced into saying that he will not engage with talent from the neighbouring country given the prevailing circumstances.
It happened on the same day a film delegation — comprising Mukesh Bhatt of Vishesh Films, Fox Star Studios CEO Vijay Singh, Disney India managing director Siddharth Roy Kapur and Apoorva Mehta of Dharma Productions — met the commissioner and joint commissioner of police in Mumbai who assured the film all protection against the threats by Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), that has been targeting it for having Pakistani actor Fawad Khan in a small role. To see Johar go so defensive then reveals the utter lack of trust and confidence in the city and State law and order machinery. At another level, it is also indicative of how a wave of hysteria can sweep away any signs of rationality in the nation and the society. And, if this is the case with those in the film industry who are supposedly empowered, what to say of the smaller film-makers who have nowhere to run and hide? Meanwhile, the MNS, it seems, is still not in a mood to relent.
A long history of bullying
This ‘capitulation’ may have elicited deep disappointment and outrage but is also not such a surprise especially if you look at the past and find Johar facing similar pressures at the time of the release of My Name Is Khan (when Shah Rukh Khan faced Shiv Sena wrath for questioning the non-inclusion of Pakistani players in the Indian Premier League teams) in 2010 and Wake Up Sid (2009) with the MNS objecting to the use of the word Bombay instead of Mumbai in the film. Unfortunately, there are no assurances against such bullying in the future either.
Johar is not the only one. There has been a long history of cinema falling prey to mobocracy aka extraconstitutional or extralegal censorship. Unofficial threats against films have been springing up at the slightest provocation despite getting cleared by the censors. In 1988, Govind Nihalani’s TV serial Tamas was targeted for ostensibly disturbing communal harmony. Film-maker Hansal Mehta was heckled, his face painted black by the Shiv Sena for an innocuous dialogue in his film Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar!! (2000) taken amiss by a community. Rahul Dholakia’s Parzania (2005), based on 2002 Gujarat riots, was obstructed by goons at the Goa film festival. In Gujarat the multiplexes refused to play it fearing riots. He was reportedly asked by the multiplexes to get approval from Babu Bajrangi, one of the main accused in the riots.
Often the extralegal censorship gets backed by the States citing law and order problems. The Supreme Court was moved after Vishwaroopam (2013) was banned by the Tamil Nadu government as some Muslim groups found it offensive. Da Vinci Code (2006) was banned in Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Nagaland and Mizoram for hurting Christian sentiments. The Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh stalled Prakash Jha’s Aarakshan (2011) on the assumption that it showed Dalits in a bad light. Madhur Bhandarkar’s Traffic Signal (2007) didn’t get screened in Himachal Pradesh because the State government found the word “kinnar” for eunuchs objectionable as there happens to be a community of the same name in the State.
Those in the small, independent and documentary field fight extralegal censorship as a routine matter. The screening of Rakesh Sharma’s Final Solution (2004), on the Gujarat riots, was obstructed at Jawaharlal Nehru University by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad activists and by the Hindu Jagran Manch at a film festival in Bangalore. Sanjay Kak found a private screening for friends of Jashn-e-Azadi(2007) stalled by the police in Mumbai.While the film industry, quite rightfully, has been fighting for an overhaul of the Censor Board, it is time it also braced itself to negotiate censorship by fringe groups as well that seem to operate akin to the extortion by roadside goondas portrayed in countless films. It needs to learn subversion and defiance beyond filmmaking, business acumen and managerial skills and stand together in opposition.
But that is easier said than done. While documentaries and smaller films can take recourse to subterranean rather than mainstream modes of release, the big-ticket films become more vulnerable because of the big money riding on them. No wonder Johar spoke of “300 of the cast and crew”, how it was not fair for them to face turbulence. It gets even more problematic when an already divided film industry finds itself as polarised as the rest of the country.
A new narrative of nationalism
The MNS has capitalised on the Uri attack and India’s “surgical strikes” to manufacture a new narrative of patriotism, confined only to cinema, which implies eliminating everything Pakistan. Opportunistic organisations like Indian Motion Picture Producers’ Association and Cinema Owners and Exhibitors Association of India followed suit without pausing and thinking things through. Zee Zindagi has been working towards replacing Pakistani serials with more “international” content. No wonder the Pakistani classic Jago Hua Savera got dropped from Jio MAMI 18th Mumbai Film Festival with Star on a complaint by a city-based organisation, Sangharsh. A pity when the festival otherwise scores many a progressive point through its selection of some radical films and by honouring the political, Sixth Generation Chinese film-maker Jia Zhangke.
Not only is the current cultural exchange being jeopardised, there is an attempt to sidestep history. This, when we are technically not at war with Pakistan, when the government hasn’t really stopped any exchanges with it. The purging of Jago Hua Savera then is quite in tune with the unofficial sanitisation drive of the times. Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has just one Fawad Khan. The 1959 film, directed by A.J. Kardar, however, is a confluence of talent from the then East Pakistan, West Pakistan and India — the screenplay by revolutionary poet Faiz Ahmad Faiz based on an original story by Bengali writer Manik Bandopadhyay, Indian music director Timir Baran co-composing the music with Pakistani producer-composer Nauman Taseer, and an outstanding performance by Tripti Mitra (of the Indian People’s Theatre Association).Ali Nobil Ahmad recently wrote on the film in The Guardian: “With Faiz’s poetry, their pro-poor message of justice, solidarity and minimalist riverine aesthetics would not go amiss in today’s subcontinent of bombastic nationalism, chauvinistic religion and unbridled capitalism…” If only one could have seen it.
Date: 20-10-16
A closure of the Indian mind
A video released by film-maker Karan Johar pledging not to work with “talent from the neighbouring country” is obviously a last-ditch attempt to salvage his forthcoming production, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. With the effect of a Rorschach test, Johar’s pitch can be read in divergent ways. At one level, as an outright capitulation to the mob, angrily led in Mumbai by the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, as well as to a wider audience currently consumed by a low-grade intolerance of anything Pakistani. At another, as a cleverly coded defence of a film starring Pakistani actor Fawad Khan by drawing attention to the labour of “300 Indians” on the project who face unfair rejection. Either way, the larger issue is the ease with which a boycott of people from a particular country is enforced, so that everyone is intimidated into falling in line to a Tebbit-like test. Mumbai has, of course, long kept Pakistani sportspersons at bay. Three years ago, the Pakistani women’s cricket team at the World Cup had be shifted out to Cuttack, diminishing not just Mumbai, but India itself for the failure to uphold the spirit of sport essential to a liberal democracy. Last year, even Pakistani umpires and television commentators were compelled to pull out of their duties at an international match in Mumbai. It’s not Mumbai alone. In 2013, for instance, no team fielded Sri Lankan cricketers in Indian Premier League matches in Chennai.
But the current, post-Uri rash of objections to Pakistani artists is widespread — concerts have been cancelled from Gurgaon to Bengaluru, and the airwaves crackle regularly with some film or sport personality averring to keep apart from his Pakistani counterparts. However, it would be under-reading the challenge to India’s syncretic legacy if the political silence around such boycotts was not highlighted. It is not enough for officials at the Centre to say that there is no change in the visa policy for Pakistani citizens. When the political leadership — in government and in Opposition — does not take the lead in persuading the silent majority that barriers to cultural and academic exchange are undemocratic and represent a closure of the Indian mind, it renders vulnerable the scattered individuals who are willing to stand up to bullying. On Pakistan, the ambivalent attitude to snapping cultural ties highlights important foreign policy questions. Do we use India’s incredible soft power to win over Pakistanis and others to the ideals of democracy, liberalism, secularism, syncretism for the greater good of the neighbourhood? Or do we reduce all people-to-people contact to unrelenting enmity?
उनका भी पाकिस्तान से मोहभंग होगा